Monday, February 10, 2014

Local Business... Do you... really???

Disclaimer: I am a small business owner.  I was also raised in a family that owns a small business and was involved in that business for most of my life.  I am an educated consumer and a lover of fearless people.  Being actively involved in my hometown I have a unique perspective, having the opportunity to be on "both sides of the fence". I have had corporate jobs, small businesses jobs and everything in between. 

"They" say the trend to support Local Business is in full swing.  I think about this ALL of the time... and this morning have organized all the thoughts in my head on this subject... I would like to share them with you...

The act of supporting local businesses is a VERB. It is, many times, an inconvenience, involves planning and forethought and takes extra time. 
This doesn't sound like much fun, does it??  Ha Ha.... Well it is fun.  There is the personal relationship you develop with the business owner that you would never get in the big box stores, the wonderful customer service you receive because the person serving you actually has some skin in the game.... let's see... .what else...  There is pride in knowing that you are contributing to a person who had the guts to put it all on the line to realize a lifelong dream .  Not to mention the fact that you can tell all of your friends that you Support Local Business, which makes you a hit at dinner parties and kids sporting events... and the PTO meetings.

Now, we are caught up in a world that moves so quickly.  We budget our money, our time, food, coffee, activities, fun and everything else to make room for more... for what I don't know, but that is what we do.  Soooooo, going out of our way to go to a small store, sometimes just doesn't fit in our schedule. When this happens we just hit the big place to save time... And understandably so..... I guess. Convenience is King.... Cash used to be... that is a whole other blog post.  But, I digress..  Every time we do that... every time, our local merchants and service providers suffer a little and it makes them less likely to "make it". No Pressure, you understand... just stating the facts.  How many times have you heard someone say (or you have said) "Oh No, they closed? You know I haven't been in there in forever. That is so sad".  I know I am guilty of it.... 

Opening a small business is difficult.  There are lots of permits to pay for and equipment to buy, inventory to stock, business loans to pay.  The list is endless. Small businesses add jobs for local citizens, they revitalize downtowns and provide towns with ways to draw people in, are often times the most generous donators to local events.... thus helping to contribute to small town America... and small town America is what makes everything work.  Sorry big city folk, but even all that you have was built on the back of a guy or a lady, with a dream that took that leap.  Sometimes losing it all..... All.

I guess to wind this up, I hope that you all support your local businesses every time you have the opportunity. Go out of your way.... make some extra time.... make a new friend in a local business owner..... You will feel great, they will feel great and there is love, pride and hope in what you purchase...

Think about it.... and just do it....

Those are the thoughts in my head today...



1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

Local business and small business both have my heart - and as much of my business (such as it is) as possible.
I would much, much rather contribute to a person's well being than a corporation. Or faceless shareholders.